The JFK Conspiracy
"The JFK Conspiracy masterfully mingles hidden history with nail-biting police detective verve. This page-turner is a fine contribution to the ever-growing field of Kennedy studies and deserves wide readership. Highly recommended!"
– Douglas Brinkley
“This brisk and vivid history of a 1960 assassination plot has the instincts of a thriller.
– Kirkus Reviews
"American history at its finest. [You] will love this book."
– Douglas Preston
"This is a riveting subplot in the middle of the greatest cataclysm in human history. It's told with confidence and mastery and is what we all crave - a page-turner!"
– Ken Burns, on The Nazi Conspiracy
"A brilliant combination of edge-of-your-seat history and superb storytelling."
– James L. Swanson, on The Lincoln Conspiracy
"An absolute home run!"
– Brad Thor, on The Nazi Conspiracy
"A true mystery story that very few Americans know, written with a voice that beckons to be heard."
– Joseph J. Ellis